But that has never stopped her from doing something cool like going on this awesome AB trip!. Oh and she has pteronophobia, in addition to being awfully scared of dogs, including cute puppies. She also loves to travel to new places she otherwise would not get a chance to visit (like WV!), meet and understand new people and cultures, and gather interesting experiences. Adams' view of holistic healthcare, and is excited to learn more about it, and get involved with it, on this trip. She wants to be a doctor who views and treats her patients as the worthy and interesting individuals they are, not just bodies made up of organs needing repair. As a future doctor, she truly believes that healthcare should mean improving the overall quality of life, not just prolonging it. The inspiring and hilarious story of Patch Adamss quest to bring free health care to the world and to transform the way doctors practice medicine Tells the story of Patch Adams lifetime quest to transform the health care system Released as a film from Universal Pictures, starring Robin Williams Meet Patch Adams, M.D.

We were the first facility in West Virginia. Our specialists provide the entire continuum of joint replacement care from non-surgical treatment and primary joint replacements to revision surgeries. Mousas phone number, address, insurance information, hospital affiliations and more. The WVU Medicine Center for Joint Replacement offers a variety of comprehensive solutions for people with chronic joint pain caused by arthritis. This is her first AB trip and she is really excited about it. Mousa is a Vascular Surgeon in Charleston, WV. Manjiri is a junior in CAS, on the pre-med track, majoring in Psychology and minoring in Child and Adolescent Mental Health Studies and Chemistry.